
The last few days have been extremely productive. Cecilia and I have been rolling out almost a chapter a day without sweat. On days like these I wish we had more time than we do to work on ours stories and spin our tales.

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Chris has Chapter 4 and 5 in hand for another round of reading, editing and snowflaking. I finished a first blush of edits and additions on Chapter 6, shaping up nicely, and lobed it back to Chris for a closer look. have your work cut out for you.

Damn tomorrow back to work and will have to ninja edit and snowflake Chapter 7 from there.... but...I will also finally get a peek at the critical piece Chris laid down today...*rub hands.*

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There is many a day that Chris and I are on a fence juggling the fine line between what needs to get done and what we want to do.  The needs of our daily lives sometimes take precedence and push all other desires, mainly to write and work on our stories, to the background.

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There is much to be said about getting up in the morning, getting your first cup of coffee and spilling out close to 1500 words within the first hour of your day.

This is not a common occurrence, mind you, but when it does happen it feels absolutely wonderful, energizing, fulfilling.

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I think it comes a time in everybody's life when at least one single big old dream comes true. And when that happens you step back and marvel at the accomplishment, not in a boastful way but in a "holy shit, I did it!" way... Today will be remembered as the day I got that huge accomplishment under my belt. It feels surreal. And yet, amazingly cool.

Even though there will not be fruits from it for a while I am happy to have gotten this far. Not alone, I might add, my amazing partner in crime is also enjoying the glory. Our first two shorts have been published by XOXO Publishing today! It feels amazing to see the stories that sprouted between us come to life. 

We know this is just the beginning of a long and amazing journey.


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