
Chris' Blog

As some of you may know, Cecilia and I began writing as a fluke. We joined a role playing group back in 2010 and were a mated couple back then. We had never met before until September 6, 2010. We were both green behind the ears and aside from my writing when much younger and Cecilia's technical writing for work, we had not written anything.

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So, Countermeasure received another good review. One would say, so what? Countermeasure has received good reviews in the past. One would spread the word about it (which we did) and move on. Well. not so fast there, pal. We jump for joy with every new review but this one came with a punch. The reviewer is also an IT peep, which means that to her, the book had an even higher level of enjoyment because she got the whole of the geeky world stirred into it.

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