
What is your measure of success? We were asked that question during a workshop we attended a week ago. The speaker said, and we agreed, everybody has a different measure of success. It's that measure of success that drives authors to write more engaging stories and be more prolific. While to some might be the cover of Times, to others might be quitting a day job to write full time. Although it might sound strange, my measure of success is receiving feedback from readers. Add a comment

Today, while discussing our novel with another author, it came to me that the misconception and stigma around Erotic Romance is still alive and kicking.

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While never very profound in my blogs, I leave Chris to give you the hard truths as we learn them, I always like to try to keep it real in my own way.

As many of you know, we just published our first novel one week ago.

Self-published. NOT to be confused with Vanity Press Published. I know that many confuse these and consider them to be the same; however, we feel there is a distinct difference. Chris touched on this subject in an earlier blog titled, Old vs. New (

So what does that really mean?

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While reading through the many blogs and mailing lists geared to authors to which we subscribe, I came across an interesting question. "If your book were to be made into a movie, who would you cast for the main characters?"

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The last few months have been spent in frantic mode to get Countermeasure up to snuff and it is finally there—available to readers via Amazon in Kindle format!

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