
On the last day of the tour, we got tied up with the last details for Ecstasy by the Sea's release so we had to send Trevor to be interviewed in our place. Harlie was kind enough to accept the exchange and I've heard he had fun.


Harlie's Book Blog - Day Five

Why did you stop looking for your parents?

Trevor takes a deep breath and a frown creases his brow. "At the time, I just couldn't handle dealing with the idea they were gone. I had to withdraw from everything that reminded me of them and the fact that I couldn't see or talk to them ever again." Trevor leans forward on his chair and locks eyes with the interviewer.

What changed to have you dive into their case again?

His eyes take a serious, sharper quality. "With time, I realized that the explanations and theories around their disappearance were flawed. I need more answers before I can close their case forever in my mind and know I've done everything I could." He lowers his eyes to his clasped hands. "Everything."

What is life like at the NSA?

His mouth curves in a smile and Trevor chuckles. "Crazy busy. We've been handling the most incredible cases. Since 9/11 things have escalated and we find ourselves monitoring more and more conversations. But it's also a lonely and covert life. Aside from George who works with me and my parents"—he pauses to take a deep breath—"nobody else knows for what agency of the government I work.

Typically, it takes a little time to decide whether you like someone much less that you are in love, what was it about Cassandra that drew you to her so quickly?

A wider smile forms on his lips and he has a humorous glint in his eyes. "She is a determined, spitfire of a woman. Any man with fire in his veins and a good head can see she is amazing. I guess with us, physical attraction played a big part initially but, just like a good wine, it evolved into something more robust, a deeper knowledge that we were made for each other and that we could grow into something bigger together."

What are your thoughts on Nathan Nelson? How do you feel about his relationship with Cassandra?

The frown returns to his brow. Trevor crosses his arms and leans back against the chair. "They didn't have a relationship. Sex, yes. Relationship, no. We all make poor choices we regret later in life. Nathan is Cassie's. I can't judge her. She was free to do so back then. Does he rile me up? Yes. Do I wish he didn't exist? Yes. But I can't erase the past and removing him from her life would probably change how she felt about me when we met. She would not have had any comparisons to go by. She wouldn't have seen clearly the difference between being loved for who she is and being loved by what he thought she could become." He smiles again. "She's mine now and that's what matters to me the most. Of course I have a blast rubbing that on Nelson's nose just for the fun of it. He turns green really easy. Quite a sight, I tell you. Almost as green as lime Jell-o." He chuckles at his own words.

Do you think you will find your parents? If so, do you think you will find them alive?

A glimmer of hope flares deep in his eyes. "That is a tough question to answer. Finding them alive is a dream. Being the logical type of guy I am, I can see that the statistics are all against us. Almost 6 years have passed. The chances of them being alive are minute. Still, I hope to find at least a clue to what happened to them and why."

I need to purchase a new computer. Do you recommend a laptop or desk top? What applications will I need? Speed?

Trevor straightens in his seat, excitement colors his voice and his mouth quirks at the corners. "I'm currently replacing Jack, too. Gotta say, he is tougher than I imagined. Being smashed on someone's face and crashing onto the ground did a good number on him, though. I'm currently in search of Jack Junior so we can take him on our next adventure. Tell you what, I'll send you the specs I have in mind for him and maybe you can get yourself something similar. It's off the hook."