
What is your measure of success? We were asked that question during a workshop we attended a week ago. The speaker said, and we agreed, everybody has a different measure of success. It's that measure of success that drives authors to write more engaging stories and be more prolific. While to some might be the cover of Times, to others might be quitting a day job to write full time. Although it might sound strange, my measure of success is receiving feedback from readers.

Getting reviews from readers who loved the book and take their time to let us know about it reinforces and justifies every single hour spent pouring over the story. Comments like "I bawled" or "I was screaming at the top of my lungs 'Go Trevor, Go!'"—and yes, those are actual words from readers—takes us over the moon. I am sure I am not the only one who appreciates feedback (constructive criticism is also very valuable when not abrasive) and loves to hear how readers felt, what emotions were invoked, as they read the stories.

So, if you are a reader and enjoyed reading a book, let the author know. Share your experience, write reviews or simply send the author an email with your thoughts about his/her work. It will be extremely appreciated.
