We spent the last two weeks searching for the right image to use on the cover of Countermeasure. At first we thought it would be an easy task as the original image we had used as temporary cover image was simple although sexy. As it turned out, it ballooned into a grueling two-week search in several stock photography sites.
We could possibly have had more options and more to choose from if we hadn't already fallen in love with the original image, which unfortunately was copyrighted material we knew for a fact we wouldn't be able to use on the covers. As it was, we liked the original composition and hoped to replace with something similar. It became a daunting task.
We sifted through thousands of images and most did not spark our attention. Nothing came close to the original and so, we decided to expand our search to other compositions. The search took us through several stock photography sites without one single hit. And then over the weekend, Cecilia was fortunate to come across a couple that caught her eye. After I checked the image for the cropping to the composition we wanted, we took the jump and purchased the images.
Who would have thought the search for the perfect cover (in our eyes) would take so much time and effort?
Please see the result of our efforts below. Click on the pictures to see a larger version.
{boxplus href=|http://caduobooks.com/images/stories/Book_Covers/CM_Cover5_600.jpg| title=|Countermeasure Dark Version|}{/boxplus} {boxplus href=|http://caduobooks.com/images/stories/Book_Covers/CM_Cover6_600.jpg| title=|Countermeasure Light Version|}
To Russia With Love
{boxplus href=|http://caduobooks.com/images/stories/Book_Covers/TRWL_Cover1_600.jpg| title=|Countermeasure Light Version|}{/boxplus} {boxplus href=|http://caduobooks.com/images/stories/Book_Covers/TRWL_Cover4_600.jpg| title=|Countermeasure Dark Version|}