
Mayan Calendar

I have been a little low the last couple days and in desperate need of something to pull me above my current funk. This morning, a comment in a magazine article caught my eye and gave me a little push.

It stated that the Mayan people had pretty much laughed at the media-generated hype around their calendar and the apocalyptic prophecies regarding the world ending at the conclusion of last year. In reality, locals say the conclusion of the vast 5,125-year cycle is actually a time for celebration and reflection. It is also for fresh starts, transformation, and evolution. 

I love that! I contemplated the locals’ advice, this is what I found. To break it down: 

Reflection—Last year, Chris and I have had an interesting ride full of unexpected surprises and this year is already shaping up to have even better.

Celebrate—we will continue to do so with each milestone no matter how small. To us they are all BIG and measured by our standards—a good story, happy readers, and tons of new friends made.

Fresh start—we have a Byte, a new Countermeasure novel, and spin-off novel in the works. Lost to Rapture, the new Byte should be published this month. Our third installment in the Countermeasure series, Alternate Connection, is about a quarter of the way to being finished. And then there is our new Countermeasure spin-off series, the A.W.E. Crew. The men of the Crew are clamoring in our heads (pushing and shoving us actually) to have their stories told and we are anxious to let them out.

Transformations—some of our characters in those two novels will not know what hit them. And finally,

Evolution—we will continue to hone our craft, learn, and absorb everything we can from our peers, mentors, groups, and workshops.
Now I’m a little peppier realizing that there is so much ahead of us.

I encourage you to follow the locals’ sound advice. Take the time, now and in the months to come, to reflect on your accomplishments, family, and friends. Embrace this year as your stories continue to spill from your fingertips and into the hands of wonderful and supportive readers. Celebrate and laugh hard. Chris and I will have it no other way.