
NaNo 2015 Participant Banner

Ceci and I love a tight deadline. It usually triggers our fight or flight reflexes and we are good fighters. You may be asking yourself, what does a tight deadline has to do with the blog title? The answer is everything.


Once again, we’ve joined NaNoWriMo while under a deadline to publish another of our novels, this time the first novel in a Countermeasure spin-off series, the A.W.E. Crew Series.

The last time we did this was in 2012. We wrote Alternate Connection’s first 54K during NaNo 2012 right before life pulled its strings and interfered in our plans to publish Alternate Connection in 2013. With Alternate Connection published, we realized we can pull off a big feat and we are revving our engines to do just that this November.

The goal is to write most, if not all of ACE during this year’s challenge. Maybe that will mean pushing ACE a bit earlier than planned. With that said, our current release date still stands as February 23.

If you want to cheer us up, follow our banter on Twitter (Chris and Cecilia) and on Facebook. We will be popping by to decompress after each day of writing.

Hope to see you there!

