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As you may already know, All Romance eBooks is closing its doors today (December 31, 2016). If you are an ARe customer, make sure to download copies of your purchased titles before the end of the day as you won't have access to the dashboard after they shut it down for good.

ARe's closure is even more troubling for those who purchased items on pre-order. Unlike other retailers that only charge customers' credit cards at time of release and delivery of the title, ARe charged their customers at the time of purchase. From what we understand, there will be no refunds for those purchases. This means many customers have already paid for titles that have not been yet released and whose authors will not be paid either (for more information on this please visit

We had two titles on pre-order at All Romance eBooks. ACE and Locked & Reloaded will be released in 2017. If you purchased either or both titles from ARe, fear not. We would like to assure those who have purchased C&C titles on pre-order at ARe that if you forward a screenshot of your email receipts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., we will send you an esigned copy of those books free of charge at the time of their releases.

Thank you for reading our books and Happy New Year!