Please see below some of the reviews received by our books:

Amazon (US, UK, DE, IT, FR and ES)
Great read!!!!! by Melissa - 5 Stars
This book was awesome!!! I couldn't put it down! Loved the chemistry between Cassandra and Trevor!!!! So excited to read the next book in the series!
Wonderful Romantic Suspense by kgkdh - 5 Stars
It really is a great book, filled with lots of romance and adventure. A must read for folks like me who love a good romantic suspense!
Pleasantly surprised with this exciting story! by JLL - 4 Stars
I liked the two main characters and thought they had good chemistry. I enjoyed the book and will look for the next one in the series!
Review by Dan Kelley - 5 Stars
This was an excellent read! Both the case & introductions of main characters was suburb. This first book is an excellent setup for future cases/thriller's especially the open case of the male lead's parents. Even the supporting characters are well written.
Good start to a new series by DebraLI - 4 Stars
Lots of action and the developing relationship between sexy geek Trevor and determined former CIA agent Cassandra kept me reading. The two make a good team and I wished there was more of them earlier on. Enjoyed the banter between the two and hope there will be more to come in future installments.
Great story by Iris R. Bernreuter - 5 Stars
Excellent story, very detailed with plenty of action and love connections. Much better than expected, would think this author will be very successful!
A MUST READ!!!!!! by Micha – 5 Stars
"WOW!!! The 'C.A. DUO' make one HELL OF A TEAM and provide us ,the reader`s, with a FANTASTIC new series to read! 'COUNTERMEASURE' kept me enthralled and would not let me go until the end. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN!"
Time for new heroes by Shadow "lycan" – 5 Stars
"...The story itself keeps the reader drawn with its twists and turns that could give alpine roads a run for their money. But I also love the attention to detail just as much as the portrayal of the typical Irish charm by Trevor. That geek can save me any day. I am looking forward to the next installment due later this year."
Beauty and the Geek by Cory and Shannon Adamson– 5 Stars
"...Countermeasure is an exciting, run your fingers through your hair, bite your fingernails, or pacing the floor book about finding love, finding the bad guy, and loving modern technology."
Must Read by Book Addict - 5 Stars
"Always searching for a new, grab you by the collar and drag you along for the ride series, I was not disappointed when I stumbled across Countermeasure...I had to walk away several times because the characters are so well written you become emotionally involved with them. They kept me guessing up until the end and then left us hanging in anticipation for the second book in this series."
Great read by Elana Findlow - 5 Stars
"Great read didn't put it down ..I really enjoyed all the elements of the book the techy geeky stuff ,suspense and romance, can't wait for the next book."
Countermeasure: A Smart, Sexy Start to the Series by Jamey Rodgers – 5 Stars
"The first book in the highly-anticipated Countermeasure series does not disappoint...The dialogue is intelligent and witty, the action is authentic and well-paced, and the romance is hot...Countermeasure leaves the reader deeply satisfied, but also hungry for the next adventure."
Like Chocolate! By Audrey Lamastro – 5 Stars
"This book is like a piece of chocolate, yummy and delicious! A fast read with interesting characters and engaging plot. If you like suspense and intrigue this book is for you. I can't wait for the second book!"
Countermeasure by E. Aubrey – 5 Stars
"I enjoyed this book, fast read and interesting. It is always great fun to find a new author with a book that keeps you turning the pages as one knows or hopes that there are more to come. I recommend this book to anybody who loves to seat by the fire when is cold outside with a good book..."
"An excellent start to a new series and I for one cannot wait for the next book. It left me yearning for more. Bring it on!"
Maria Mercedes Prieto - 5 Stars
"There is a lot of suspense, intrigue, romance, and technology in this, the first of the series, to entertain everyone. If you just cringed at the word technology...don't. It's all simply woven into the novel, so it doesn't sound like a manual, and is essential to be able to tell the story. They took their time researching the stage and making things pop out and not just the scenery. These aren't just words on paper being thrown at you, they are 3-D places being brought to life. Chris and Cecilia are most definitely artist painting scenes for us to enjoy."
"Perhaps the best thing about Countermeasure is how real the characters of Cassandra and Trevor are. Almeida and Aubrey have created these characters with such depth that you feel like you know Cassandra and Trevor. ..The overall story is extremely intriguing and moves at a fast past. There is never a dull moment. Even when the authors delve into more technical aspects of corporate espionage, they do so carefully and give enough information so you don't feel lost. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in this series, To Russia With Love!"
"Man! This book made Geeks look sexy! I'm gonna have to find me one now!"
Review/Blog Sites
Mark - To Be Read Pile - 5-star + An Erotic Ride
"Countermeasures is very good at what it sets out to do and is actually a thoroughly enjoyable read! I quickly found myself hooked, delving in to this and surely there can be no bigger recommendation! The first in a new series, many of Bauer's questions about his family are never resolved and this is a neat touch because it then means the authors can then spread the revelations about what really happened all through the rest of the series. Would I read any more? Definitely, it manages to thrill and entertain and it left me certainly wanting to experience more adventures with the characters."
Rhayne - Guilty Pleasures - 5-star + A True Gem Award
"Countermeasure is a fantastic combination of suspense and mystery. This is the first book in the Countermeasure series. It is one that grabs you fast from page one and leaves you wanting more. (Thank goodness that it’s a series)"
Mrs. Condit Reads - 5 Sweet Peas + Recommended
"I laughed at the funny repartee among the characters. I cried at their losses. I cringed when they witnessed gruesome horrors. I cowered when they were chased by truly awful bad guys. And I was aroused when they made love. Mr. Almeida and Ms. Aubrey had me from the first paragraph. I could not put this book down, reading non-stop at home, on the treadmill at the gym, and staying up all hours to see how things turned out... The authors are very adept at description and dialog, bringing the reader into the story powerfully... I can hardly wait for FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE, book 2 in the COUNTERMEASURES series, promised at the end of book 1. Bring it on, Mr. Almeida and Ms. Aubrey! Just... bring it."
Just Erotic Romance Reviews – 4 stars
"... The elements of danger and murderous intent, combined with a slow and methodically developing romance come together to make Countermeasure a must-read novel for romance fans who love a fast-paced thriller...the authors still did a fabulous job of making the sensually slow and highly romantic relationship between Cassandra and Trevor develop naturally...captivated me with their fast-paced and highly explosive scenarios the characters went through while attempting to retrieve the formula. I highly recommend Countermeasure for any fan of a fast paced erotic romance. I know I'm looking forward to checking out the duo's next collaboration!"
Micki's Bounce on Books – 5 bounces
"What a better way to come back after the holidays than to review a really awesome book. A story of betrayal, survival and love with the luck of the Irish. This story is engaging and the characters are as approachable as your best friends."

Amazon (US, UK, DE, IT, FR and ES)
Maria Mercedes - The Oracle Reviews - 5 Stars
"I loved this simple continuation of Countermeasures. The honeymoon that every reader wants to see but never gets a chance too. Well Chris and Cecilia give us that treat. I love the way these two characters look at each other you can feel the emotion pouring off the pages. Their love is extremely 3-D, you almost forget they are characters in a book, and that is exactly the way it should be. Their passion ignites with a spectacular view of the Irish Sea. Honeymoon +Trevor +Cassie = Warning label: Handle with oven mitts. If you loved Countermeasures, you will love Ecstasy by the Sea."
Review/Blog Sites

Delightful Read by Carolyn Buck – 5 Stars
"This was the most delightful, fun and sexy 25 pages that I have read in a very long time."
Who would have thought... by Shadow "lycan" – 5 Stars
"Who would have thought that Cassandra James... apologies, Cassandra Bauer has a naughty streak? But with a little, unintended help from her best friend Jessica (or not that unintended) and her service handcuffs, the result is a birthday present whereby the Geekster has no idea just what hit him, or cuffed in this situation."
Review/Blog Sites
Mark - To Be Read Pile - 5-star + Orgasmic
"As a short story, it works very well and adds an exciting extra dimension to the mainstream novels a bit like the deleted scenes or extras on a DVD. For me, it was like watching your favorite characters from a T.V show once the cameras have moved away for another scene – an almost illicit, forbidden glimpse at what goes on when no one else is supposed to be looking! I really enjoyed it and thought it a fitting start to what looks like becoming a very successful series within a series!"
Mrs. Condit Reads - 4 Blissful Sweet Peas
"Chris Almeida and Cecilia Aubrey's little short story, CUFFED AT MIDNIGHT is a quick look at how Trevor and Cassandra are doing now that they are married and living in Dublin. It's Trevor's birthday and Cassandra wants to give him the perfect birthday present. She decides on something using outside the box thinking and it's a surprise for Trevor when he wakes up cuffed to their bed. What follows is delicious, in more ways than one. Not much plot, just a couple having some bedroom fun. This is a clever little short story and I enjoyed getting to see Trevor and Cassandra again."

Amazon (US, UK, DE, IT, FR and ES)
Review/Blog Sites

Amazon (US, UK, DE, IT, FR and ES)
"I cannot recommend this book enough, it was simply wonderful. A true rollercoaster – take a seat and enjoy the ride!"
Maria Mercedes - The Oracle Reviews - 5 Stars
" This is a must read, five stars aren’t enough to rate this book."
"In reading TRWL, you’ll find yourself wanting to knock some sense into people, kick some ass, laughing, and getting all hot and bothered reading the smokin’ hot sex scenes. ... And loving it!"
Review/Blog Sites