Those who have known us and our stories from the dawn of the Countermeasure Series know we take twists and turns with the stories.
We wrote To Russia with Love before Countermeasure, Cuffed at Midnight before Ecstasy by the Sea, and Countermeasure before its prequel, Uncharted.
Although most stories in the tie-in series Bytes of Life are glimpses into the intimate lives of the characters—glimpses of what happens in their lives between the stories in the full-length novels—and created as voyeuristic looks into their relationship, Uncharted was born with a different purpose.
Long after the novels and short stories had been published, we were continuously asked about Conor and Maeve. Many readers showed interest, concern, curiosity about what could have happened to them but without a better grasp of their relationship and what transpired between them, they were unable to entertain a solid guess.
With that in mind, we wrote Uncharted and gave readers a glimpse into their relationship as well as a more solid grasp of their love for each other and for their son.
We made the story available through all retailers free of charge and allowed all who had read Countermeasure to peek into the past.
The short story was welcomed by all Countermaniacs who had long asked for it. Unfortunately, the idea backfired when somereaders, coming across Uncharted first and not knowing of the running mystery in the series, didn’t realize the nature or length of the story, neither of its link to the main novels.
Many were discouraged to read Countermeasure expecting the series to have the same dark undertones as Uncharted.
With that in mind, and with hopes that readers will enjoy Uncharted more after reading Countermeasure, we are changing the way we offer the story to readers. Although still free of charge, we will now make the story available in Countermeasure (Bonus Edition) and via subscription to our newsletter.
Upon subscription, you will receive a standard confirmation email with a direct download link. If you have already read Countermeasure without Uncharted and are already a subscriber of the newsletter, you can This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll send you the file directly.
Chris & Cecilia
Add a commentTo me, the best thing of being an author is having the ability to share the stories populating my head and see them enjoyed by many. The second best thing is meeting those people who enjoyed the stories and hearing their perspectives on them.
Last night I was sitting at my desk wondering what the heck I was doing at two in the morning in a dark room with the glow of my laptop screen for company when a surreal thought struck me. The reason I was sitting there was because during these last four years I had been doing something I had ached to do since well, forever--write.
Add a comment Every single decision you make in life takes you in a different direction in the story of your life like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. Each decision shaping your life in a new way, shedding light on something you didn't know about yourself, making or breaking you. I've always had a writer in me. Becoming a geek happened as an accident, consequence of one of those voluntary turns in the story.