A lot of new authors get into the point of view trap. Using the many POV types appropriately and without confusing the reader is a challenge when writing a multiple POV book. Our books, be it a short or a longer novel, they all have two main characters which alternate taking over the POV throughout the story.

That is mostly due to the fact that we have a Role Play background and in RP posts each time a character posts it is seeing the world through his/her own eyes which mean the viewpoint is his/her. The action flows back and forth without causing the ping pong effect.

Yes, RP writing has a drawback in the way that you get hooked on writing POVs in the first person and present tense but it also teaches you to control the viewpoint and merge it into the story without too much struggle.

For authors who write multiple POV books on their own that might get confusing and maybe irritating but for us, because we write together and we write under our character’s skin, it makes total sense. Cecilia and I spent some time discussing how to handle a certain chapter’s POV and we were happy we came from an RP background because at that point we realized how alike the separation of POVs and RP are. Once we had the POV down the chapter flowed perfectly.

So, although RPing might make things a little difficult on the tense side of things we are definitely happy we started where we did.