Picture in your head the excitement in working on your project. You are in the groove and typing away:

"In shock Elaine stood in the middle of the crosswalk staring after the car that had severed around her as it barreled through it. She hurried to the other side of the street and ran down the block in the same direction the black glossy BMW had fled. As she approached the corner, around which she had witnessed it disappear, the squeal of breaks and sound of shattering glass hit her like a sonic wave. Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Her hand moved to the front of her throat and rubbed it in an attempt to loosen the knot lodged there. Elaine turned the corner and fueled by adrenaline raced into the street and approached the crumbled car. She had to know. She had to see for herself. Was the driver...."

Suddenly you're LOST. You can't remember where you were going with the scene. You stare at the screen hoping the letters will continue to appear on it on. Nothing—No upper and lower case letters to decorate the space following your last word. You re-read your chapter outline and the points to address but you draw a blank. You cuss up a storm in your head and wait a few minutes. Frustrated, you re-read and edit the bit you just spit out and when you come to the end of the scene again, a red door blocks your way—Writer's Block.

Sometimes the writer's block can go on for days, weeks, or longer. Each morning you rage, scream, "What the hell is wrong with me!", and try to force your way through it. Begin to question if you have what it takes to be an author.

Stop right there!

Relax. Breathe. Take a step back. There are known reasons for writer's block. It can creep up and hold you hostage as a result of anxiety, stress, changes in your life, a deadline, the end of a project, not sticking to a writing schedule, and more.

So what can you the author do?

Once again—breathe. You are not alone. With Chris and I, it usually comes with the end of a project or when our "to do" list gets out of control.

There are things you can do to help break down the door:

• Move on to another scene or chapter in your current WIP. It could be that there is a scene screaming to get out and it is beating down the current piece that you are working on.

• Work on multiple projects at once. If the well runs dry on one, setting it aside and moving on to something different may be the key to unlocking the door.

• Are deadlines trampling your thoughts then set time aside for writing. Treat is as your job, hell it is your job. If you say, "I will write from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day." Walk the talk and do it. Stick to it. You can also set mini-mile stores to reach the greater goal.

• Change your work environment. If you sit at a desk in your office, consider moving to the kitchen counter or dining table for a little bit. Go to a coffee shop, library, or even outside (if it's a nice day). A change of pace might just get you through the block. You could kill two birds with one stone and people watch—observer their activities and listen to the buzz of conversations. It just might inspire you to finish your scene, chapter, or book.

• Read, watch a movie, put on your headset, close your eyes and listen to music, or take a walk! It can relax you and push you over the hump.

• Participate in writing exercises to stimulate the creative juices. These can be simple or complex.

o Write in spurts. Join others doing the same such as 1k/1hr on Twitter.

o About.com has a great list of resources if this is the route you wish to take http://fictionwriting.about.com/lr/writing_exercises/363679/1/.

o There are also books available. A couple that we've checked out and have received high ratings are The Art of War for Writers: Fiction Writing Strategies, Tactics, and Exercises by James Scott Bell and The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the 'Write' Side of Your Brain by Jamie Cat Callan.

o The National Novel Writing Month (NanoWrimo) could also be considered a writing exercise. Warning it will hog 30 days of your life but it does pay off in the end. It can get you on track for a daily writing word count way beyond the event. It can help stimulate the writing process from start to finish. It might even leave you with the draft of a future project. Last year the total collective word count resulting from participation was 3,074,933,684. Now that's a lot of creativity. http://www.nanowrimo.org/

• Look deep inside and try to pin-point the source:

o Are you over thinking your story? Second-guessing yourself? You are the author, the writer. This is your story. Go with your gut. If it feels right, stop questioning it. Write, write, and write. Then go back and adjust.

o Did you just received feedback feel you have to incorporate every change? Choose only the feedback that makes sense. Acknowledge and toss the rest.

o Is it a life-changing event? Handle it and then come back when you are free of it. Your story will be waiting for you.

The key is to remember there is nothing wrong with you. Your writing abilities have not suddenly jumped ship. Everyone experiences writer's block in one form or another. If it happens to you, just breathe. Take a step back and don't fret.
