The scene streams through my head. The emotions, feelings, dialog, and actually seeing the action take place robs the breath from my lungs or makes my heart race.

At times, I can’t even get it to the laptop until it has played out before me like ghosts fluttering in my peripheral vision. Chris, on the other hand, sees it as if it were a movie playing out on the screen—every action sequence and associated dialog spilling forth in vivid color into the chapter.

When ideas hit, they swirl like code around me tempting me to decypher it. The shower or “think tank” as we like to call it is Chris’ refuge where the greatest of minds pulls the loose ends of a story together just when we need it most.

Neither one of us questions it. Neither one of us second guess it. We just accept it and charge forward.

This is how it has been for us since the beginning and how, I am certain, it will be for us through to the end and beyond.

I have to say it makes for one hell of an exciting ride.